Outdoor Tanning Tips

Read these 5 Outdoor Tanning Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tanning Beds tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How long can I tan outside safely?

Safe Outdoor Tanning

There are ways to tan outdoor safely by being aware of what you are doing. Sunscreens are designed to protect your skin, but only if you use the products correctly. Many outdoor tanners do not use sunscreens properly and end up with sunburns.

It is more difficult to tan safely outdoors than it is to tan indoors. Indoors, someone may regulate tanning time and you know exactly how much UV light you will be getting. The light is direct and it takes a lesser amount of time to tan than outside. Outside, other objects and weather conditions redirect sunlight, leaving uncertain tanning results.

The best way to tan outdoors safely is to use sunscreen. Sunscreen will protect your body while still allowing the body to tan. Use the right SPF number. SPF 15 will allow you to stay out in the sun 15 times longer than you normally can.

What are some things to know about outdoor tanning?

Things to Know About Outdoor Tanning

If you have questions about outdoor tanning, here are some outdoor tanning tips that may give you the answers:

  • One of the dangers of outdoor tanning is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.
  • Levels of UV light fluctuate throughout the day and at different times of the year.
  • One of the benefits of tanning beds vs. outdoor tanning is the ability to control the amount of UV light exposure. Most commercial and home tanning beds for sale come with the option to regulate tanning sessions.
  • Falling asleep in the sun is a huge danger to sun tanners. Tanning salons avoid this problem with automatically timed sessions to keep you safe.
  • Experts offering information on outdoor tanning will tell you that you risk getting burned when tanning outdoors, which can lead to melanoma.
  • Any organization giving reliable tips for outdoor tanning will always recommend using sunscreen and limiting exposure times in the sun.
  • If you are taking prescription drugs, be aware that some can cause you to burn twice as quickly as normal.
  • There is less privacy outdoors than in a tanning bed.
  • You have no control over the weather. Tanning beds are a reliable option when you want timely results for a special event.

How long should I tan to get the benifits?

Benefits of Tanning

While many of us have regular jobs and act ivies that keep us busy, we often neglect getting out in the sun and playing or doing other things. This lack of seeing the sun often leaves many people at risk of bone problems or problems with muscles. This is due to the lack of vitamin D, an essential vitamin.

Obviously, getting more sun or tanning in a tanning bed will help your body get more vitamin D. Just a few times a week should be enough. The best vitamin D doesn't come from a pill you can take. It is best to get some sun by tanning or being out in the sun on a regular basis to get the benefits UV rays give us.


Benefits of Tanning

Many studies show that athletes perform better when they are able to get regular amounts of sunlight or UV rays. Anyone may be able to run faster or play harder when finding regular time to get some sun. Sunlight provides vitamin D, essential to muscles, bones and nerves.

In addition to getting vitamin D, UV rays provide benefits like soothing aches and pains, curing SAD or helping with skin problems like acne. It also improves the complexion, giving most people a radiant healthy glow.

Does Indoor Tanning damage my skin?

Benefits of Tanning

There are benefits to tanning. Sunlight is an important part of our life that helps us to grow strong. Sunlight gives us vitamin D that is important to muscles and nerves. Tanning can improve your skin, especially if you have acne or a skin condition like Psoriasis or Eczema.

If you suffer from Rheumatism or Arthritis, tanning regularly could help relieve some of the pain.

If you are concerned about skin cancer or sunburns, tanning in an indoor tanning bed at a tanning salon actually helps prevent any of this. Tanning bed sessions are regulated at a tanning salon. A professional can help you choose the right amount of time you need to tan. You will be able to tan safely, without burning or risk of cancer.

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