Vitamin D Tips

Read these 8 Vitamin D Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tanning Beds tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is vitamin D?

About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin for your body as it promotes strong, healthy bones. It also supports your muscles and your nerves as well. Without vitamin D, you could not perform optimally when exercising. Studies prove getting regular sunshine ensures the body of getting enough vitamin D, and that athletes perform far better than without regular exposure to UV rays.

Do tanning beds really give you Vitamin D?

Vitamin D

Do you get Vitamin D from tanning beds? Find the answer and more information about tanning beds and Vitamin D from these tips:

  • Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is necessary for healthy teeth and bones. It is important for the metabolism of minerals, which play a part in immunity.
  • Weak bones and kidney stones are symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.
  • Foods with Vitamin D include Vitamin D fortified milk, fatty fish, and fish oils.
  • You can get Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, or you can get Vitamin D from a tanning bed.
  • In cities like Boston, the average amount of sunlight is not enough to provide sufficient Vitamin D in the winter months. Some people in these northern areas have noticed that using a tanning bed and Vitamin D absorption are related.
  • If you use a tanning bed, Vitamin D will absorb the same way it does from the sun.
  • There are many benefits to tanning in the winter, from positive tanning effects (like that golden glow) to Vitamin D absorption.
If you want to know more about Vitamin D and sun tanning beds, go to Always be safe when tanning. Wear sunscreen and only tan for manufacturer recommended amounts of time. If you think you have a Vitamin D deficiency, see your doctor.

What are other sources of Vitamin D?

Tanning Lamps: Sources of Vitamin D

What if you can't find the time for outdoor tanning? Is there another way to get a nice glowing tan and get the vitamin D for your body as well?

Thanks to new technologies, tanning beds and tanning lamps provide just as much exposure to vitamin D. You can also get a nice, even tan in less time than tanning outdoors. Also, you can regulate your tan.

Vitamin may come in supplements or in milk or other things we eat, however, it is not quite as effective as being under the sun. If you tan regularly either with tanning beds or tanning lamps or even outdoors, you should get your required vitamin D.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Symptoms of Deficiency

If you are underexposed to vitamin D, you may notice joint pain, muscular weakness or muscle trembling. In some cases, if you are developing rickets, you will notice bowed legs, soft bones or continuous fractions.

The problem comes from the lack of vitamin D or the inability of the body to absorb it properly. To prevent these from occurring, get out in the sun or visit a tanning bed to get your recommended amount of vitamin D. Food and supplements only support you temporarily. Nothing can replace getting natural sunlight.

If you notice any problems with your body, including any joint paint or soft bones, don't wait. Talk to your doctor. If you know you have not been out in the sun or to a tanning bed in a while, start a regular regime.

Why does our body need vitamin D?

Role of Vitamin D in Good Health

For healthy maintenance of the body, you need to take in certain key vitamins and nutrients. The body functions better, making you more proficient, when you take in the daily recommended amount of vitamins.

These vitamins do not always come in a pill form. Certain things, like vitamin D, are best when taken with natural sources. UV rays from the sun or from tanning beds are some methods of getting vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Bones and teeth need the calcium to remain strong and healthy. Scientists know vitamin D is actually a cure for rickets. It causes bone deformations in adults and children.

Vitamin D serves other purposes, for supporting muscles and nerves. Studies show without regular exposure to sunlight, athletes may falter or become slower in motion.

Where does vitamin D come from?

Sources of Vitamin D

The same UV rays emitted from the sun are used in tanning beds. Tanning beds emit UV rays that produce the same type of vitamin D that the sun gives your body. If you are unable to get outside for some sunlight, vitamin D can be gained by visiting a tanning bed regularly at a tanning salon.

Vitamin D is also found in food. It can be consumed but to get the needed daily dose of vitamin D, it is not enough to eat the fat-soluble vitamin. The body absorbs much more by being exposed to sunlight or UV rays.

How much vitamin D do I need?

Daily Dosage Recommendation

Studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration show the body needs certain amounts of vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. One of the recommended daily vitamins is vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for strong healthy bones and muscles.

The daily recommended amount of vitamin D is 400 international units, more if you are over the age of 70. It is recommended that adults get at least 800 international units of vitamin D through food and other sources. There is no better way to get vitamin D than naturally through UV rays from the sun or from tanning beds.


Safe Outdoor Tanning

To tan safely outdoors, there are a few factors to be aware of. One is the ability to control your tan better through the use of proper sunscreen. It comes down to selecting the right amount of SPF, applying liberally and reapplying as recommended.

Another factor is being aware of how often you are out in the sun. Sometimes people forget when they are not tanning but simply out walking around, they still are under UV rays. You may still need some sunscreen depending on your skin type.

In general, outdoor tanning can be safe. People have been doing it for years and it is beneficial. The sun gives us the vitamin D we need to improve bones, muscles and nerves. By tanning safely with the proper sunscreen, you may still tan but without sunburns. You will still get vitamin D as well.

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