Benefits of Tanning

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Does Indoor Tanning damage my skin?

Benefits of Tanning

There are benefits to tanning. Sunlight is an important part of our life that helps us to grow strong. Sunlight gives us vitamin D that is important to muscles and nerves. Tanning can improve your skin, especially if you have acne or a skin condition like Psoriasis or Eczema.

If you suffer from Rheumatism or Arthritis, tanning regularly could help relieve some of the pain.

If you are concerned about skin cancer or sunburns, tanning in an indoor tanning bed at a tanning salon actually helps prevent any of this. Tanning bed sessions are regulated at a tanning salon. A professional can help you choose the right amount of time you need to tan. You will be able to tan safely, without burning or risk of cancer.



5/27/2007 10:07:17 AM
Brittney said:

Tanning in a tanning salon can still increase your risk for skin cancer and can give you a sunburn. I used to tan at Hollywood Tans and though the tans are regulated by time I and others have gotten sunburn, especially the first time you go. As for skin cancer, when ever you get tan, it's a chemical in your body called melanin, which is not good actually. This increases your chances of getting skin cancer when you get older.


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