Sunquest Tanning Canopies

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What is a sunquest tanning canopy?

Sunquest Tanning Canopies

Tanning canopies offer great convenience and easy storage for those who need to tan, but don't have a lot of room. Sunquest canopy tanning beds feature multiple 100 watt Wolff lamps that provide fast tanning. The curved tanning canopy design delivers full side-to-side tanning results.

Adjustment of the canopy is easy thanks to the gas-shock hinge control on computer-designed patented hydro lift component. It lets you adjust the canopy to the perfect height. A cooling fan provide comfort while tanning. The heavy-duty mainframe with durable long lasting DuraMax 2000 exterior housing means easy maintenance and longevity. Finally, the protective canopy grid allows more UV tanning power to reach the front of the tanner.



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