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If you are thinking about residential tanning beds but you're not sure if you want to make a huge financial commitment, a used tanning bed may be a good option for you. Many salons trade in perfectly good older models for more stylish units, which can be a benefit when you find a good used tanning bed for sale. If you find a used commercial tanning bed that works, but it looks a little worse-for-wear, there are products on the market to resurface and paint used tanning beds. If you are on a strict budget and you really crave a home tanning unit, a used tanning canopy is an affordable option.
Before you buy a used home tanning bed, find out if there has been a manufacturer recall on the unit. Be sure the tanning bed isn't so old that you can't find bulbs or replacement parts. If you see a "used tanning bed for sale" ad in the classifieds, try out the unit before you decide on purchase. You don't want to be the recipient of faulty equipment. It is safer to buy a used tanning bed from a retailer.
One thing to keep in mind is product name, especially if you buy from a retailer. A used Wolff tanning bed from a dealer can be a great value if you get a reasonable price. A product like Wolff will last for years, and you can be sure to find replacement parts and bulbs from the same source.
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