Tanning Bed Safety

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What are some safety tips for tanning equipment?

Tanning Bed Safety

Are tanning beds safe? If you enjoy tanning salons, safety during the tanning process is probably something you've heard about. Tanning safety is important, so here is some advice from a tanning bed retailer:

  • Salons should keep you informed about wattage for each booth. If you are an experienced tanner, make sure that tanning bed lamps are equipped with new bulbs. New bulbs are stronger and can cause burns if you have fair skin.
  • Tanning booths should be thoroughly cleaned after each use. If you think your booth is not clean, find an attendant to deal with the problem. If you don't feel satisfied, contact your local health department.
  • Salons are required by law to offer eye protection. It's best to purchase your own goggles to avoid infectious diseases. Do not tan without goggles.
  • All tanning booths should be equipped with a safety power shut-off feature. Know where the switch is located before beginning your session.
  • If you begin to feel dizzy, weak, burned, or sick, stop tanning immediately.
  • If you have a facial tanner, tanning booth, or canopy tanning bed at home, remember that you are using an electrical appliance. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's warnings and safety recommendations for any home appliance.



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