Tips for Tanning Bulbs

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What are some things to know about tanning lamps?

Tips for Tanning Bulbs

Tanning beds provide an indoor tanning experience through use of UVA and/or UVB tanning bed lamps (or tanning bed bulbs). The UV light in the bulb stimulates melanin production in skin cells, causing the skin to tan and produce vitamin D. If you have home tanning lamps or a tanning bed business, there are things you need to know about the care and maintenance of your bulbs. Here is some helpful information from MasterTanning, suppliers of Wolff and SunQuest tanning bed bulbs:

  • You can purchase tanning bulbs for tanning beds with different UVA and UVB blends and bulbs for different levels of exposure.
  • There are two types of ends for lamps: BIPIN and RDC. It is important that you know what type of replacement tanning bed bulbs or facial tanning lamps you need for your salon or home tanning bed.
  • The life of a tanning lamp is between 1,000 and 2,000 hours.
  • Tanning lamps are strongest from the time they are new until about 50 hours of use, then the efficiency decreases by 20%. After about 500 hours, bulbs are at about 50% efficiency. If you keep the bulbs after 500 hours, know that tanning will take longer.
  • Tanning bed lamps come in colors for no reason other than preference.



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