Get Your Tanning Bed Parts and Equipment from a Reputable Dealer
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What is there to know about tanning bed parts and accessories?
Running a tanning salon is big business these days and having a reputable supplier of tanning bed bulbs and parts for tanning beds can make or break your profit margin. Even if you own a tanning bed in your home, going without tanning bed bulbs and parts can cost you inconvenience and frustration. Here are some tips for dealing with tanning bed parts and equipment:
- Consider having one source for all tanning bed parts and accessories to save you time, shipping costs, and confusion.
- Be sure you think before your purchase anything for your business, including tanning beds. If you buy a SunQuest tanning bed, make sure your dealer offers a warranty on SunQuest tanning bed parts and tanning bed acrylics.
- You dealer will know what types of tanning bed cleaners are best for your specific unit. Only use recommended products.
- Industry professionals know the business. There are imitators who make "Wolff" tanning bed parts that do not meet the standards of a true Wolff system.
- Make sure you deal with a reputable company if you are purchasing tanning beds or supplies and avoid buying from non-industry sources. Federal law mandates specific safety requirements for tanning beds. Buying from an non-industry source could cost you safety and your business license.
- Use a reputable dealer you can trust. You don't want shoddy parts, like a faulty tanning bed timer or broken tanning bed fan, from a cut-rate dealer.
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