Safety Issues with Home Tanning Beds

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What are some safety concerns associated with home tanning beds?

Safety Issues with Home Tanning Beds

If you are looking at home tanning beds for sale, you will need to be aware of some safety issues:

  • Some home tanning beds may require a buck booster to compensate for voltage variations. Check with your dealer to find out if you need one.
  • Lamps should come standard with your unit, but you will need to replace them eventually. Only use the bulbs required by your user's manual. If the tanning bed comes with bulbs that are not recommended, do not buy the unit until the proper bulbs are installed. Using improper wattage can cause a fire.
  • If you are renting, ask your landlord about power requirements.
  • Always purchase and use tanning lotion. Never tan 'dry' - it can damage your skin.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15 to keep from burning.
  • Always wear tanning goggles - UV rays can damage your vision.
  • Don't tan for the maximum amount of time during your first few sessions. Your tan should develop slowly, over a long period of time. Tan only once a week. Do not rely on the appearance of your skin directly following a session. Tanning results often appear six to 48 hours after tanning.
  • Tanning can provide a healthy dose of light to your body, but too much can lead to burns, which are related to melanoma (skin cancer).



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