Using a Tanning Bed

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How do I use a tanning bed?

Using a Tanning Bed

Here are some tanning bed tips and information about how to use a tanning bed:

  • Call your local salon and find out what kinds of tanning beds are best to meet your needs.
  • Ask about tanning packages to save money.
  • Find out about tanning products to help achieve your look and keep your skin healthy. You can usually purchase these at the salon or from an online tanning supply company.
  • Take a bag with a towel, tanning goggles, tanning products, and a ponytail holder or headband.
  • When you get to the salon and enter the tanning room, be sure you have your tanning goggles. Always wear them when tanning.
  • You can tan nude, wear underwear, or a swimsuit.
  • Apply tanning lotion to your body. Use special lotion made just for your face.
  • Put your hair back in a headband and/or pull your hair into a ponytail.
  • If the tanning bed is horizontal, open the lid and lay down. Your salon may provide a pillow and fan (if there's not one built into the bed). Turn the fan on high.
  • If you are using a stand up tanning bed, you may move around freely and raise your arms for an even tan.
  • Be sure to put on your tanning goggles. Press the start button to begin.
  • Relax and enjoy the rays. The light will turn off when you are finished.
  • Wipe off with your towel and get dressed.
  • Avoid bathing right away to preserve your tan.
  • Always observe safety recommendations provided by your spa and tanning bed manufacturer. Do not exceed recommended tanning time.



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