Tanning Bed Facts

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What are some tanning bed facts?

Tanning Bed Facts

Here are some tanning bed facts:

  • Tanning beds use many florescent bulbs to expose the skin to ultraviolet rays, which are similar to sunlight.
  • Tanning beds can help people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and provide a healthy glow year-round.
  • You can find tanning beds for sale for your personal use.
  • Finding quality discount tanning beds can help boost your salon business. They are durable, cost-effective, and easy to maintain and clean. Tanning beds for sale from a reputable dealer should come with the option of a warranty.

  • Friedrich Wolff was the first person in the history of tanning beds to reproduce UV light indoors to study how exposure to sunlight affects athletes.

  • The history of the tanning bed is marked by government legislation to ensure safety in the tanning process.
  • The earliest indoor tanning beds were made with harmful high intensity UVB bulbs.
  • Federal law now mandates that tanning bed manufacturers and salons know how to use tanning beds safely and follow skin cancer prevention guidelines.



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