Rejuvasun 332 Spa Tanning Bed

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What is Wolff's Rejuvasun 332 Spa tanning bed?

Rejuvasun 332 Spa Tanning Bed

The Wolff Rejuvasun 332 Spa tanning bed allows salons to offer tanning and beauty treatments all in one. The bed offers a 20 minute optional tanning session, as well as a 20 minute spa session.

After tanning under the Rejuvasun's canopy, users have the option of staying under the Rejuvasun panel for special spa treatments. The bed has an advanced cooling system for during and after the tanning session and the bed's bench is slightly curved for an ergonomic design.

Because the Wolff Rejuvasun 332 Spa tanning bed offers two services in one, if opens a great new channel of revenue for your salon.



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