Wolff Velocity Sunlamps

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What are the best lamps for my tanning bed?

Wolff Velocity Sunlamps

Wolff Velocity Sunlamps are among the most popular choices for original equipment, lamp replacements for other Wolff lamps, and replacements for lamps from other makers. The 80 & 100W non-reflector sunlamps use advanced phosphor technology so that tanners can get strong color over and over again.

Velocity sunlamps by Wolff are expected to work for 1,000 hours making them an extremely good value. They also have advanced UVB for shorter sessions.

Velocity sunlamps are available in standard F59/Bi-Pin, F71/Bi-pin and F73/RDC configurations, and VS-R 160W VHO reflector in FR71/Bi-pin. Before using Wolff Velocity sunlamps with your existing tanning bed of a different make, be sure that they are compatible with your equipment.



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