Wolff Sunquest 16RS Tanning Bed

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Why should I use the Wolff Sunquest 16RS tanning bed?

Wolff Sunquest 16RS Tanning Bed

The Sunquest 16RS tanning bed by Wolf is one of the best possible tanning beds that you can have in your home. This bed is lightweight and all you need to do is plug it into your regular 120-volt household outlet. It doesn't get any easier than that.

The aluminum and steel mainframe bed is attractive looking and delivered to you already 95% pre-assembled so it won't be long at all until you can start using your new Wolff Sunquest tanning bed.

The Sunquest 16RS tanning bed has an exclusive control key lock to ensure the safety of your tanning bed. Your 20 minute tanning sessions are monitored by the bed's digital timer. Why go to a salon when you can tan from the comfort of your own home?

The Wolff Sunquest 16RS tanning bed is 75.75"L x 35" W x 48" H and is recommended for use in 8'x 6' rooms.



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