Purchasing Canopy Beds

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Why should I buy a tanning canopy?

Purchasing Canopy Beds

If you want to tan at home but don't have enough room in your house or apartment for a tanning bed, don't despair, you have other options. Canopy beds are the best option for having all of the benefits of tanning, without all of the trouble.

A canopy bed is basically just the curved top of the bed. You can put a lounge chair under it and lie down on the chair to get that all over tan. Tanning canopies easily fold up so that you can push your equipment against a wall or even hide it in the closet. Another advantage to canopy beds is that they are entirely mobile and you can bring them anywhere you choose. Also, rather than being stuck under a typical bed's tunnel design, you are out in the open so you can keep an eye on your kids if need be.

Overall, canopy beds are a great option for tanners who want the convenience of a home tanning bed but are worried about space issues.



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